"How Would I Edit Your Photo?" with Scott Kelby and Erik Kuna | The Grid Ep 592

Описание к видео "How Would I Edit Your Photo?" with Scott Kelby and Erik Kuna | The Grid Ep 592

In this episode, Scott Kelby and Erik Kuna offer a comprehensive tutorial on enhancing raw images using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, Content-Aware Fill, Liquify, and Gaussian Blur. It also provides tips for efficient image management and file organization.


▶ “ I do the profile first. If I shoot in RAW, I'm going to switch the profile, and then I work on the thing that annoys me the most. So generally, it's whatever the most egregious thing is in the photo. That's what I do next because the order isn't really that important. But what's great about Lightroom is it's non-destructive. You can work on any order you want.”
▶ “We're not adding a fake sky. That's the sky that was there, but we're just, I usually try to balance it out with the rest of the image. Like I don't want to make it too dark or something crazy. I want to kind of just balance it out with the rest of the image, and that doesn't look too bad at all.”

The Grid is a live talk show about photography, Photoshop, and other industry-related topics. Each week features a different guest (in-studio or online), and viewers are encouraged to chime in on the Liveblog here on KelbyOne.com or via Twitter by adding #TheGridLive to their tweets.
Visit: https://kelbyone.com/

Scott is a photographer, award-winning author, and the original "Photoshop Guy," as well as the CEO of KelbyOne, an online educational community for Photographers, Photoshop, and Lightroom users.

Driven by a passion for creating inspiring images, I work with artists and media focused on creating photos, animations, motion art, and videos that communicate the story and capture the beauty, wonder, and amazement of space exploration.
"The value of beauty and inspiration is very much underrated, no question." -Elon Musk.
The greatest gift we can give humanity today is to look beyond our current generation to the future of space exploration. Democratizing space for everyone, the next frontier for all of us to explore.

00:00 Introduction and welcome
00:55 Ad break: Platypod message
01:41 Announcements and upcoming events
04:13 Giveaways and promotions
09:32 Editing image-Landscape
17:32 Ad break
20:35 Continuing with photo editing
21:53 Editing image-Wedding photo
35:16 Editing image-Nature photo
38:50 Exploring Adobe Landscape and Sky Exposure
39:56 Experimenting with black and white conversion
45:11 Retouching techniques in Photoshop
46:06 Ad break
49:44 Audience shoutouts and comments
51:16 Editing image-Sports photography
57:19 Exploring creative white balance and glow effects
01:04:26 Ad break
01:07:28 Final image edits
01:15:18 Giveaway results
01:16:51 Final thoughts and wrapping up


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