Hanoi, Vietnam Old Quarter walking tour

Описание к видео Hanoi, Vietnam Old Quarter walking tour

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Hanoi's Old Quarter is one of the great destinations in Asia, densely packed with open store-fronts, lots of people, scooters buzzing by, many cheap places to eat, historic buildings and friendly people. The Old Quarter of Hanoi is often known as the 36 streets, but in fact, now there are more than 36 streets, each one providing rewards for the intrepid visitor. 35. The old quarter is different from other places in Hanoi. Preserving the houses in the old quarter is very necessary, and according to the plan, the Hanoi people committee are planning to preserve the old houses in the old quarter, so it can keep the original state. However the planned renovations might change the existing historic character, so you better visit soon to get this authentic old-fashioned experience.


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