【香港 網店 創業】Etsy商店營運第60天被封鎖了!|香港 網店 創業|廣東話/繁體中文字幕

Описание к видео 【香港 網店 創業】Etsy商店營運第60天被封鎖了!|香港 網店 創業|廣東話/繁體中文字幕

【香港 網店 創業】Etsy商店營運第60天被封鎖了!|香港 網店 創業

香港人喺 Etsy 平台上會遇到咩困難呢?我係一個網店創業者,一開始收到通知話我間鋪被停運,但後來發現原來係一個錯誤。喺呢條片度,我分享咗喺面對呢個情況時所經歷嘅種種挑戰同感受,包括點樣進行上訴同埋尋求 Etsy 平台嘅幫助。亦分享咗點樣認識到自己嘅錯誤同改善自己嘅經營方式,以確保遵守 Etsy 嘅條款同政策。如果你係香港嘅網店創業者,對 Etsy 平台嘅運作有興趣,呢個影片絕對值得你一睇!記得訂閱我嘅頻道同打開通知鐘,唔好錯過最新嘅影片同更新!

★ T I M E S T A M P S 時 間 軸 ★
00:00 INTRO
02:48 為什麼你的商店被暫停了
05:36 問題是可以解決的
06:21 你是否採取了任何措施來解決你的暫停問題?
Question: Are there any actions you’ve taken to address your suspension?
My answer: Yes, I have removed some old listings and I am seeking clarification on the reason for the suspension and guidance on how to remedy the situation. Once I have a better understanding of the issue, I will take any necessary steps to address it and prevent it from happening in the future.

07:29 如果你重新獲得帳戶存取權限,你的業務實務將如何改變?
Question: How will your business practices change if you regain account access?
My answer: If my account access is reinstated, I will continue to comply with Etsy's policies and terms of use. I will make sure that all of my listings and business practices adhere to the guidelines and standards established by Etsy. Additionally, I will be more vigilant in monitoring my shop and ensuring that I have not inadvertently violated any rules or regulations. Overall, I am committed to being a responsible and ethical seller on Etsy, and I will do everything in my power to maintain a positive and productive relationship with the platform.

08:06 請描述任何可能導致你被暫停的情有可原的情況
Question: Describe any extenuating circumstances that may have contributed to your suspension.
My answer: There were no extenuating circumstances that contributed to my suspension. I believe that my shop was suspended in error, as I did not violate any of Etsy's policies or terms of use. I have carefully reviewed my shop and listings, and I cannot identify any issues that would warrant the suspension. I respectfully request that Etsy review my case and provide me with specific details regarding the reason for the suspension so that I can address any concerns and rectify the situation promptly.

09:27 上訴所需時間
10:09 公開我在賣甚麼產品

★ L E T S B E F R I E N D S ! ★
INSTAGRAM: @imvalerieduh   / imvalerieduh  
YOUTUBE CHANNEL 訂閱我的頻道:https://www.youtube.com/@imvalerieduh...

★ B U Y M E A C O F F E E! ☕️ 請我飲杯咖啡,能為我製作影片帶來動力!🤓✨ ★
一按即 PayMe!https://payme.hsbc/imvalerieduh

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★ B G M 背 景 音 樂 ★
baegel - Bokeh
from EPIDEMIC SOUND (30日免費試用➡️ https://share.epidemicsound.com/041gx9)

★ M Y F A V E 我 的 最 愛 ★
ADOBE PREMIERE PRO: https://adobe.prf.hn/click/camref:110...
NOTION: https://affiliate.notion.so/imvalerieduh
NOTION AI: https://affiliate.notion.so/valerieno...
ETSY (e-commerce website): https://etsy.me/3qDvmCA
iHERB (online retail company): https://iherb.prf.hn/l/8xJEjZ8
TubeBuddy (YouTube Video Optimization and Management Toolkit) https://www.tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=i...

★ M I L E S T O N E 一 齊 成 長 ★
100 subscribers - 1 Dec 2022
500 subscribers - 2 Jun 2023
1K subscribers - 27 Aug 2023
1.1K subscribers - 15 Sep 2023
1.2K subscribers - 4 Oct 2023
Current: 1,227 subscribers

For business inquiries: [email protected]

CREDIT: Directed and edited by Valerie Wong
This is not a sponsored video.


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