Hunting for Pokémon Cards at Collect A Con Ft. Worth Texas 2024 VLOG Part.1

Описание к видео Hunting for Pokémon Cards at Collect A Con Ft. Worth Texas 2024 VLOG Part.1

Here is the VLOG for our trip to Collect A Con in Ft. Worth this year. We unfortunately were only able to attend the event on Sunday again, but here is what we did and HALF of what we saw. We will have a part 2 VERY soon. Please enjoy the video. Subscribe if you are new and smash the notification bell so you know when New Content drops.

We are Trying to hit 3000 Subscribers here on the channel so if you would kindly, PLEASE smash the SUBSCRIBE button and hit that LIKE button. And once we hit 3000 Subscribers here on YouTube, we will OPEN an Evolving Skies Elite Trainer Box and give it away PACK BATTLE STYLE to the viewers in the live chat. 8 contestants will compete for greatness BUT there will be ONLY 1 overall winner!! Highest Valued card will WIN the game and Take HOME the full stack of hits!!!

Just Added New Giveaways for both 2800 and 2900 Subs! Couple cards and a Sticker for 2800 and a Graded Card and Sticker for 2900! Goodluck!!

The Queen and Myself thank you, have a wonderful day and God bless!


#pokemon #pokemontcg #collectacon #collectables #cards #cardshows #charizard #dallas #pokemoncards


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