San Martin Bronze Submariner Homage - Full Review

Описание к видео San Martin Bronze Submariner Homage - Full Review

A very cool watch from San martin.

Follow it's path across the US by checking out the All things Random channel here:    / @allthingsrandom8137  

You can buy your Bronze Sub Homage here:

Huge thank you to Calvin Tan. His Instagram is here:

Buy it here:

if you are interested in the self named #leagueofwatches you can check out their channels below.


David Schwartz:    / 1279561  
Honest watch reviews:    / no1viper  
The watcher:    / bladegsm1  
Week on the Wrist:    / @weekonthewrist  
All things Random:    / @allthingsrandom8137  
My Affordable Watch Collection:    / @myaffordablewatchcollection  
Lastofmykind8...aka Mondo the watch guy:    / lastofmykind8  
Watch you know:    / @watchyouknow  
Roy Doorenspleet:    / @roydoorenspleet1548  
Watch on:    / @timeandcrown  
Escape Wheel Watch Reviews:    / @escapewheel  
Perth Watch:
Watch & life:    / @watchlife5387  
The Watch Kaki:    / @andyinsg  
Standard Time:    / standardtime  
Shiny Things:    / @shinythings  
I Bought a Watch:    / @iboughtawatch  
The Town Watch:    / @thetownwatch  
the Watchtower watch reviews:    / @thewatchtowerwatchreviews  

for more Pictures of this and other watches in my collection, check out my IG channel here:

if you have ANY questions, please ask. I don't have the watch with me any more, but I'm happy to try and answer them for you.



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