Lipid Management Case Study: Lab Interpretation for Nurse Practitioners

Описание к видео Lipid Management Case Study: Lab Interpretation for Nurse Practitioners

Lipid panels can be deceptively confusing!

Which guidelines to use? What numbers to treat? There are so many medication options!

In this video, using a case study, you'll learn:

- Who to test
- How to decide who gets treatment (and what kind)
- When to follow up

IMPORTANT NOTE: this applies for non-pregnant adults only, and statins are contraindicated in pregnancy, so be mindful when managing patients of childbearing age/potential (see comments).

This applies to the VAST majority of patients in primary care, BUT, if you want the whole she-bang when it comes to lipid management (high triglycerides, secondary prevention, coronary calcium scores, etc), consider join the Lab Interpretation Crash Course! Join at
Resources I mentioned:
Algorithm flowchart for who to test/treat:

Intensities of statin therapy:

Risk enhancing factors to help you decide if someone is "intermediate risk":
Don't forget to grab your free Ultimate Resource Guide for the New NP at

More Resources:
Lab Interpretation Crash Course:

Digital NP Binder:

Diabetes Medication Workshop:
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