Etirements : Faut-il en faire ?!? (courbatures, force, méthodes, durée, récup, bien-être, SSC, etc.)

Описание к видео Etirements : Faut-il en faire ?!? (courbatures, force, méthodes, durée, récup, bien-être, SSC, etc.)

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Cette vidéo traite des étirements, et de leur utilisation dans l'entraînement. Si c'est un sujet débattu dans le domaine de la préparation physique et au delà, il existe pourtant beaucoup de certitudes sur le sujet. L'idée de cette vidéo est de faire un état des lieux des connaissances avant de présenter les méthodes les plus populaires et éprouvées.

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"The role of passive muscle stiffness in symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage", McHugh & al., 1999.
"Stretching and injury prevention: an obscure relationship", Witvrouw & al., 2004.
"Stretching and Its Effects on Recovery: A Review", William & al., 2013.
"Stretching Effects: High-intensity & Moderate-duration vs. Low-intensity & Long-duration", Andrade & al., 2015.
"The Relevance of Stretch Intensity and Position: A Systematic Review", Apostolopoulos & al., 2015.
"Muscle-tendon stretching: Experts' truths and realities", Gedda, 2015.
"Stretching methods and positions: Logic, precision and individualization for greater efficiency", Geoffroy, 2015.
"Stretching: From scientific data to a reasoned practice", Portero & McNair, 2015.
"Evaluation of the extensibility of the human musculo-articular system in vivo", Portero & al., 2015.
"Effect of static and dynamic stretching during a full warm-up on athletic performance in athletes", Blazevich & al., 2016.
"Influence of static stretching on hamstring flexibility in healthy young adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis", Muniz Medeiros & al., 2016.
"Effect of the flexibility training performed immediately before resistance training on muscle hypertrophy, maximum strength and flexibility", Junior & al., 2017.
"The Effectiveness of PNF vs. Static Stretching on Increasing Hip Flexion Range of Motion", Lempke & al., 2017.
"Acute Effects of Dynamic Stretching on Muscle Flexibility and Performance: An Analysis of the Current Literature", Opplert & Babault, 2017.
"Static stretching does not enhance recovery in elite youth soccer players", Prooley & al., 2017.
"Acute effects of active, ballistic, passive, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching on sprint and vertical jump performance in trained young soccer players, Oliveira & al., 2018.
"The effects of muscle stretching and practical modalities in the physical and sports activities context", Bruyneel, 2019.
"Mechanisms underlying performance impairments
following prolonged static stretching without a comprehensive
warm‑up", Behm & al., 2020.
"Effect of sports massage on performance and recovery: a systematic review and meta-analysis", Davis & al., 2020.
"Acute Effects of a Static Vs. a Dynamic Stretching Warm-up on Repeated-Sprint Performance in Female Handball Players", Zmijewski & al., 2020.

00:00 : Introduction
00:21 : Problématiques
01:10 : Logique générale
01:27 : Pourquoi s'étirer ?
03:10 : Comment s'étirer ?
04:19 : Connaissances actuelles
05:07 : Vitesse & étirement
05:51 : Contraction parasite
06:29 : Durée d'adaptation
06:50 : Etirement & force
07:17 : Etirement & SSC
08:33 : Etirement & récupération
09:19 : Etirement & courbature
10:04 : Etirement & sport
11:14 : Etirement & bien-être
12:03 : Conclusion
12:51 : Générique
13:00 : Bêtisier


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