T-10: The Last Soviet Heavy Tank - May Be Reborn, Thanks To The War In Ukraine

Описание к видео T-10: The Last Soviet Heavy Tank - May Be Reborn, Thanks To The War In Ukraine

After the T-54/55 medium tanks were re-enlisted for the Ukraine war, it was suggested that the Russian Army should put its trust in the T-10 heavy tanks as they proved to be much more powerful and were only retired in the 1990s. The T-10 is fully capable of being re-commissioned by the Russian Army. The T-10 is one of the longest-lasting tank designs in the world. Adopted in 1953, the tank served for over 40 years before finally being decommissioned in 1997.

The T-10 was also known as the Object 730, and entered service as the IS-10 as a continuation of the Iosef Stalin series of heavy breakthrough tanks that debuted during World War II.

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