M101 Pinwheel Galaxy Supernova - Dwarf II Telescope

Описание к видео M101 Pinwheel Galaxy Supernova - Dwarf II Telescope

This video discusses the recent supernova in the Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) and how I took pictures of the galaxy and supernova with the Dwarf II automated telescope from late May up to early in July. Information is given on the Pinwheel Galaxy, the Dwarf II telescope, and how I processed the images. Note that I was not consistent in how I cropped the photos. There is an arrow pointing to the supernova in each picture but you will see the supernova at different positions relative the the galaxy. This is an artifact of how I cropped the image and is NOT due to the rotation of the galaxy.
See astronomy.gpclements.com and physics.gpclements.com for a list of my other YouTube videos.
Prof. Greg Clements


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