Vince Russo's WWF and WCW Pole Matches

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When wrestling fans think of pole matches, they usually think of Vince Russo. While heading creative in both the WWF and WCW (and even TNA), Vince Russo booked quite a few pole matches and this video aims to look at every one.

A wrestling pole match usually has two variations; you can win by grabbing whatever item is hanging from the pole, or you can use the item hanging from the pole to help you score a pinfall or submission victory. The earliest examples of Russo pole matches happened in the WWF with the Hart Foundation competing in Flag Matches (grab the flag, win the match) but when Russo moved over to WCW in 1999, Pole matches on television became way more frequent (3 happening in the space of 1 month). From "guitar on a pole" to "Judy Bagwell on a pole", nothing was off limits. Superstars such as Sting, Bret Hart, Booker T, Al Snow, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett have all competed in pole matches booked by Vince Russo.

00:00 - Introduction to Pole Matches
03:11 - Hart Foundation Flag Matches
04:33 - Guitar on a Pole / Pepper on a Pole
06:54 - Eddie Guerrero vs Saturn "Key on a Pole"
08:41 - Piñata on a Pole
10:34 - Malenko vs Benoit Flag Match
11:45 - Crowbar on a Pole
12:45 - Kanyon, Bigelow & Tank Abbot Pole Matches
16:08 - Billy Kidman vs Shane Douglas Pole Match
18:28 - "Judy Bagwell on a Pole"
19:54 - "San Francisco 49ers Match"
21:22 - Wrap up

#WCW #WWF #Wrestling


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