Intervention by President Andrzej Duda at the Fourth Summit of the Crimea Platform

Описание к видео Intervention by President Andrzej Duda at the Fourth Summit of the Crimea Platform

The President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda at the Fourth Summit of the Crimea Platform: Today’s meeting is an important symbol – that the world remembers, and will not forget. It also serves as an opportunity for all of us to state clearly that the issue of Crimea is not indifferent to us.

Prezydent RP Andrzej Duda: Dzisiejsze spotkanie stanowi ważny symbol: wskazuje, że świat pamięta i nie zapomni. Jest to także dla nas wszystkich możliwość jasnego stwierdzenia, że sprawa Krymu nie jest nam obojętna.

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