Why Via Appia is the Most Important Road in Rome

Описание к видео Why Via Appia is the Most Important Road in Rome

Join @DariusArya for an epic journey along the 300-mile Via Appia! Learn its history, key cities, and monuments with stunning drone footage in this first of 8 videos.

Watch all Via Appia episodes here:    • Why Via Appia is the Most Important R...  

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0:00 Introduction
0:55 Why is the Via Appia so famous?
1:13 Who created it and why?
1:38 Final destination of the route. Brindisi.
2:22 It's an incredible journey, over 300 mies, still today!
2:38 An epic route we'll cover in 8 unique episodes, starting with the archaeological park just outside the center of Rome.
3:03 Driving the route today will reveal incredible sites and monuments!
4:06 Monuments along the route for travelers and merchants.
4:32 Tombs that lined the Via Appia.
5:08 The other roads that led to Rome, and why the Via Appia is different.
5:37 Appius Claudius Caecus' role in government marks the rise of the individual in Rome.

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Related videos:

Engineering the Via Appia:    • Exploring Rome's Pontine Marshes and ...  

Exploring the via Appia:    • Exploring the Via Appia from Fondi to...  

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