How To Get "The Bicep Vein" Regardless Of Genetics!

Описание к видео How To Get "The Bicep Vein" Regardless Of Genetics!

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I wanted to make the video because back when I was a young whipper snapper I used to dream of getting the bicep vein and I always assumed it was genetic. When it comes to arm vascularity many things are genetic, but getting the bicep vein is not! Turns out I just needed to take a gander at some bicep anatomy, because everybody has the bicep vein and its called the "cephalic vein." There are only 3 things you need to do to get a visible bicep vein, and I lay all 3 out in detail throughout this video. There is more to it than just crushing bicep workouts a few days per week, so take some notes and apply them for shredded aesthetics! Be sure to share this video with anyone trying to look like a Superhuman and get them veins poppin!



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