【機動部隊2019 • 第1集 - 初心】

Описание к видео 【機動部隊2019 • 第1集 - 初心】


呢個係每個警務人員加入警隊嘅初心。劇中阿博 (楊明飾) 經歷過眾多艱苦訓練,仍然咬緊牙關克服過去。而然喺面對市民不友善對待時,卻感到特別難受。但阿博無忘記當初投考警員嘅初心,一直堅持保護各位市民同佢屋企人!


‘I will execute the powers and duties of my office honestly, faithfully and diligently without fear of or favour to any person to protect the life and property of others‘

Every Police will never forget why they started. Ah Pok (played by Mat Yeung) in the TV movie has pull through all the hardship in training. However, he feels sad when the citizens treat him in an unfriendly manner. Ah Pok, a tough young man, stays firm in his faith and continue to protect the citizens and his family!

Let’s review the episode together!

#史無前例 #最真實電視電影 #帶你感受警察內心世界 #守護香港 #HKPconnecting #hkpolice #PTU #機動部隊 #HKP175A #香港警隊175周年 #電視電影 #TVB #警察


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