ITF Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa, only son of General Choi Hong Hi, demonstrates Choong Moo Tul

Описание к видео ITF Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa, only son of General Choi Hong Hi, demonstrates Choong Moo Tul

Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa, the Son of the Founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi, performing ITF Pattern Choong Moo Tul along with all fundamentals in the pattern.

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Note: This is archival footage, picture and/or sound quality may vary. Korean audio.

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Choi Jung Hwa was born on Cheju Island, Korea in May, 1951 and has studied Taekwon-Do since the age of 7, not only under his father, but also under many high ranking and pioneering Taekwon-Do Masters during their visits and stays with General Choi. His earliest recollections of training are around the time General Choi was appointed as Korea’s Ambassador to Malaysia.

Those early days were spent training on the lawn of the Embassy compound, as there were no dojangs established at that point. He grew up in an environment surrounded by Taekwon-Do due to General Choi’s hectic schedule and diligent work in spreading Taekwondo globally. Constantly surrounded by visiting high-ranking instructors, Choi Jung Hwa trained with many instructors during this period.

He served many years on the ITF Executive Board as Secretary General and, later on, President Choi Jung Hwa would assist General Choi on many of his International Seminars throughout the world, and later would be appointed by the ITF to conduct these International courses on General Choi’s behalf.

All those who have had the privilege and opportunity to meet and train with President Choi have been immediately struck by his dynamic personality, charisma and awesome Taekwon-Do abilities.

Choi Jung Hwa has been a regular and popular visitor to our shores since the mid-1990’s, impressing with his power and dynamic ability, as well as his great communication and motivational skills. All Australian instructors who came across him were very impressed by him and still speak highly of him, even those now in non-ITF bodies.

Administratively, President Choi held the post as Secretary General of the ITF for several years until elected as General Choi’s successor to the Presidency by the ITF members in 2001.

Unfortunately, that result did not suit those with their own agenda in the ITF, and he soon seperated himself from those influences and continued the ITF under his own leadership.

“… for many years I tried to instigate change within the ITF from the inside, many aspects were rotten to the core, and with the stronghold some people had over General Choi it become impossible to change.

The members’ spoke democratically by electing me as the next President at last year’s ITF Congress in Italy. That appointment was seen as a threat to those who had their own future plans for the ITF after the Founder’s death, and they used their influence over him to have the election result overturned unconstitutionally. ”

Choi Jung Hwa was promoted to 9th Degree Black Belt in 2004 and to the rank of Grandmaster, is the only son of the Founder of Taekwon-Do General Choi Hong Hi. He currently serves in the position of President of the International Taekwon-Do Federation, with it’s administrative headquarters in London, England.

Choi Jung Hwa was democratically elected as the President on the International Taekwon-Do Federation at the 2001 ITF Congress, to serve the next 6 year term as President. He humbly offered that General Choi should remain ITF President for the first 2 years of that term as to give him the opportunity to retire with dignity in 2003.

Unfortunately, General Choi Hong Hi passed away less than 12 months later. Such is his humility that he refuses to go by the earned title of Grandmaster, feeling that General Choi was the only true Grandmaster of Taekwon-Do, instead preferring to be referred to as simply President Choi, or Master Choi Jung Hwa.


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