Protection Paladin Darkmoon Card Trinket Overview | TBC Classic

Описание к видео Protection Paladin Darkmoon Card Trinket Overview | TBC Classic

Today I bring you a brief overview of the DMC trinkets that were available in-game for the first time last night. For Protection Paladins, DMC: Madness, Vengeance, and Crusade are relevant.

DMC: Madness is a +6 stamina upgrade over previously available stamina trinkets and has a equip effect that will not see much use from requiring a killing blow and hosting a myriad of mostly useless buffs.

DMC: Vengeance is also a +6 stamina upgrade over previous stamina trinkets but also has a more useful equip effect that will generate some righteous fury modified threat when getting hit and refreshing your own judgements on an enemy mob. I will have more information later on the threat it provides - but from an initial log of an Illidan kill I saw a threat per second of around ~11 TPS when something like Icon/Dark iron smoking pipe is closer to ~37 TPS.

Vengeance is not a threat trinket - if you would not be using a stamina trinket already, you will not be using vengeance for threat gains - other trinkets are vastly superior.

DMC: Crusade is very interesting as a ramp up 80 spellpower and 120 attack power. It is a poor man's mark of the champion and currently offers one of the highest average spellpower amounts of any trinket available assuming you can keep it ramped up.

00:00 Introduction
01:19 Darkmoon Card: Madness
02:49 Darkmoon Card : Vengeance
04:26 Darkmoon Card: Crusade
07:56 Closing Thoughts


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