Udaiyadhu Velambel | உடையது விளம்பேல் | Avvaiyar Aathichudi Kathaigal

Описание к видео Udaiyadhu Velambel | உடையது விளம்பேல் | Avvaiyar Aathichudi Kathaigal

முழு கதை தொகுப்பையும் download செய்து கண்டு ரசிக்க இந்த link -யை click செய்யுங்க :https://www.magicbox.co.in/Athichudi-...

It is never good to boast about one's possessions. "Udayathu Vilambel" explains the fifth principle of the Uyir Varukkam that "One should never boast about one's possessions." Watch this special video by MagicBox Animation as Pooja and teja's father explain to them about being humble and not boasting. Enjoy the Athichudi series and learn from their lessons.

Athichudi is a collection of 109 verses written on the goals in life and the positive habits one needs to adapt in life,
Written by the famous Poet Avvaiyar. MagicBox brings you a series of animated stories based on these goals quoted by avvaiyar, explaining their importance and how to implement them. So watch Pooja, Teja and friends enact the stories and learn from them too."

CLICK HERE FOR PLAYLIST (Avvaiyar Aathichchudi Kathaigal) :    • Aram Seiya Verumbu | அறம் செய விரும்ப...  

Website: https://www.magicbox.co.in/

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