Nearer My God to Thee | Titanic | Fairview Cemetery Halifax | Nova Scotia

Описание к видео Nearer My God to Thee | Titanic | Fairview Cemetery Halifax | Nova Scotia

As we returned to Halifax to end our Nova Scotia tour of the Maritime provinces, our guide mentioned we had a bit of extra time and could fit in an unscheduled stop at the cemetery where many of the RMS Titanic victims were buried. As we approached, Ashton and Aubrey reflected on the musicians onboard who had perished in the icy waters. The girls spontaneously took their instruments to the graves of the Titanic musicians and Aubrey explained to our tour group how, in the moments after the Titanic struck an iceberg, the musicians played on deck to calm, comfort, and cheer as passengers boarded lifeboats, and the ship broke apart and sank. Witnesses reported the last hymn played was “Nearer My God to Thee.” After telling the story, Aubrey and Ashton were privileged to stand near the headstone of one of the victims and play the familiar old hymn. Their music was offered as a gift to those listening in the stillness of the moment, as well as to honor the heroic musicians who gave the ultimate gift: their music and their lives. Many at Fairview Cemetery heard and drew near. After the last note was played, the silence was deafening.


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