First gen. AWG-101/100 G-Shock watch | A popular solar atomic ana-digi model

Описание к видео First gen. AWG-101/100 G-Shock watch | A popular solar atomic ana-digi model

Why Casio still keeps on releases them? Today, we'll have a closer look at it and figure out why it is a popular options for anyone looking for a G-Shock.

This is the first generation of its kind and to be exact the reff number is AWG-101. The color is a bit different than AWG-100 and thats pretty much all the different.

Have a look.


Related G-Shock watch purchase links:

1. Basic AWGM series:
2. Black version:
3. Non solar version:
4. Big Case version:
5. Metal version:

Table of Contents:

0:00 Close-ups
0:10 Intro & Background
0:20 Specific features
1:00 New upgrade ver.
1:15 Price / market values
1:50 Things to like about
1:59 Illuminations
2:30 Dimensions
3:10 More alternate options
3:55 Modes overview/rundown
4:28 Fit & wrist check
5:05 Conclusion & Close ups


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