Mega Man 2 - Wood Man's Stage

Описание к видео Mega Man 2 - Wood Man's Stage

Now to go after another of those unfortunately named robot masters, Wood Man. The whole concept of a deadly robot made of wood is definitely very silly, but this is a video game, so that makes it possible... or something! His entire stage is nature themed, so there are lots of animal themed robots throughout the stage. Bats, bunnies, dogs, gorillas, and even chickens! The stage does not really have anything all that difficult in it... the mini-bosses can actually be skipped entirely via Time Stopper, the chickens follow a set running pattern so you always know where to stand, and everything else is disastrously weak to Broken Blade.

"Wood Man can be defeated in one hit with Atomic Fire!" ...This is a comment I got several times when I accused Atomic Fire of being horrible... these comments are, in fact, WRONG! XD Sure, it kills Wood Man in one hit... ON NORMAL DIFFICULTY... but if you play on Difficult mode, it would take two shots, making it pretty worthless. Instead, on Difficult (AKA the game's original difficulty as Japan's version ONLY has Difficult~), it is actually more effective to use a mixture of Broken Blade and Air Shooter! Air Shooter does a lovely chunk of damage and it is easy to fire through Wood Man's shield, so if you do it right, you will have him taken down FAR before you could have fired off a second Atomic Fire~



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