Описание к видео HOW TO MAKE A PINBALL MACHINE - Mode Selection in MPF

HOW TO MAKE A PINBALL MACHINE: Carousel Mode Selection in MPF

While I wait for my whitewood clear coat to cure, we're going to tackle Mode Selection in Mission Pinball Framework! This ended up being easier than I thought, but I'll walk you through how I went about it and show you the exact code I'm using in my game (as of the date of this video).

Table of Contents:

0:00 Intro
1:24 What you'll need
2:59 Let's talk about modes again
5:31 Some advice on how to approach coding your game
9:29 2 ways to do mode selection
11:20 Starting with the sample code
15:16 How to start the Carousel mode
27:43 Displaying the carousel in a slide_player
31:16 Quick Review of our code
34:38 Carousel Mode Working!!
36:51 Starting a game mode based on carousel selection
39:57 Wrap up!

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Links to Resources mentioned in my videos:

How to structure your pinball machine game code:    • How to Structure Modes in Your Pinbal...  

Event and Handlers in MPF:    • Events and Event Handler in the Missi...  

FAST Hardware Documentation - ​​

Led Zeppelin Pinball Project BoM (Bill of Materials):

Public Files on my Google Drive:

Thanks for watching!!! I hope you found this helpful or interesting - if you did, please like and subscribe and even share this so other pinheads can find this series of videos.

As always, give me some feedback on what you liked and didn't like about this video - if there's anything you'd like me to cover in more detail, lmk!!!

If you haven't already, I challenge you to start building your own pinball machine, cuz why not!?!


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