背負著一切萬有下了凡塵...手握宇宙的資訊經驗之洋 - 個人實相的本質(123) 讀書會 第19章 第667節 - 洛杉磯查老師

Описание к видео 背負著一切萬有下了凡塵...手握宇宙的資訊經驗之洋 - 個人實相的本質(123) 讀書會 第19章 第667節 - 洛杉磯查老師

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星期二(02/28/2017) 晚上19:00-21:00
個人實相的本質 讀書會 第19章 第667節
由 Charles 導讀





Some of the material in the last chapter should help to explain the reasons for frameworks in which violence is built-in, so to speak, and indeed becomes a challenging context through which reality is perceived. The situation is one of danger, yet is chosen by those involved, and is not inflicted upon them. In somewhat the same way, entire life contexts are selected that might appear to be incomprehensible, foolhardy, or even insane to an observer.

(9:38.) These lifetime organizations may involve very drastic physical disabilities from birth. From the outside it seems impossible that anyone would choose such a background, such a highly restricted or even painful situation in which to live. From that viewpoint birth defects, or lifetime diseases of any kind, make no sense.

No one begins a race with a handicap, you may say, but that is obviously not the case. Individuals have often chosen such situations precisely as incentives, and many great men have done so. This does not mean that such disabilities are necessary. At any point that an individual realizes his point of power in the present, he will not need a barrier to test himself against, or to focus him in what he thinks of as the proper direction.

You live many lives simultaneously. You often think of these as reincarnational existences, one before the other. If you are severely ill and believe that the reasons for your symptoms exist in a past life, that you must “put up with it,” then you will not realize that your point of power is in the present, and you will not believe in the possibility of recovery.

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