How to Natural Dye | Bundle Dye | Mordants | Flowers, Herbs and Leaves | Eco Print | Beginners

Описание к видео How to Natural Dye | Bundle Dye | Mordants | Flowers, Herbs and Leaves | Eco Print | Beginners

Create your own mordant with rusty objects you find around and create beautiful patterns with natural items. Watch me dye fabric for the first time!
A MORDANT is a solution (can be made in different ways, but I prefer this way) that helps adhere the dye to the fabric/paper.
*Its so fun to experiment with different dyes like spices to simple rusted objects!
Try dying your own fabric and let me know which flowers or herbs were your favorite to dye with!
00:00-00:19 - Intro
00:19-01:04 - Creating the Mordant
01:05-03:38 - Prepare the Fabric
04:01-05:53 - Collecting Foliage
05:54-08:41 - Decorate Fabric
08:42-05:53 - Steam the Fabric
10:00-10:36 - Sleepy Time (Waiting Time)
10:37-11:53 - Take out to cool
11:54-13:14 - Unveiling Time
13:15-14:16 - Rinse + Washy
14:17 - Hang to dry ..DONE!


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