Chokurei Chant 108 times spoken by Bo Westcott

Описание к видео Chokurei Chant 108 times spoken by Bo Westcott

A way to tune into the powerful energies of CHOKUREI, the reiki mantra for the reiki power symbol. Chanted 108 times reputedly clears the 108 nadis (similar to meridians) of the body. Reiki is increasing in power and effectiveness as more and more people are unwrapping the inner gifts of this gentle, healing, supportive and effective healing art.
Much gratitude for Reiki :)

My Kindle book of prosperity rhyming affirmations is available in the Amazon Kindle Store as 'RHYMING AFFIRMATIONS FOR PROSPERITY, by Bo Westcott. (type 'BO WESTCOTT' into Amazon)


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