
Описание к видео 美國英語中級篇系列(8)。由著名美語電台播音員朗讀,快速提升聽說能力的經典美語教學節目。同時,又可以從中了解美國和美國社會。

提升英語聽說能力的秘訣:口語基本靠背誦;聽力基本靠聽寫。每天堅持1小時,半年見成效。The secret to improving English listening and speaking skills is: speaking depends on memorization; listening depends on dictation. If you insist on it for 1 hour every day, you will see results in half a year.
While studying, you can also learn about the United States and American society.

Alanlyon's spare time in Canada

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