Google My Business Quality Issues - Solving Suspensions & Issues the Right Way! [SOLVED]

Описание к видео Google My Business Quality Issues - Solving Suspensions & Issues the Right Way! [SOLVED]

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Google My Business Quality Issues. What do you do when it says this location has been suspended due to quality issues on Google My Business. Don't panic, it will usually be something pretty straightforward.

If you are serious about getting your quality issue resolved then read the full article here :

The Video Timestamp
1:00 Introduction to Google My Business
1:25 The issue of having a suspended a Google My Business account
1:54 2 types of suspensions
2:08 Looking at the Google My Business screen cast
2:34 Showing status suspension on locations
3:15 Reasons for suspension list and quality issues
4:10 Why does Google suspend accounts?
4:35 what to do next in the process
5:00 Support page and process to fix Google My Business
5:42 2 types of GMB suspensions explained in detail
6:30 Concluding comments

What's there problem? Well Issues could include ...
• Redirect / spamming links
• Tracking URL's
• No physical location or a PO box
• Registered an account twice
• Information or NAP is incorrect

Just follow the process as is highlighted in my video
1. Complete the Reinstatement Form on
2. Let a few weeks pass by
3. Look at the email from the quality assurance team hopefully they have removed the suspension
4. If you receive an email from the Google My Business Quality Assurance team with your business is still in suspension call the Google My Business support team
5. Discover why Google My Business Support team still feel your worthy of suspension and follow out their recommendations and implement them on your Google My Business Page
6. Re-apply again when fixed

Additional Video information about Google My Business
I forgot to add the 3 questions to the video. So if you go to I have the answers to these 3 questions

Q1. What is google my business website? - Answer :    • What is Google My Business website? (...  

Q2. How Do I Delete Google My Business Account? - Answer :    • How to Delete Google My Business Listing  

Q3. Is Google My Business is totally free to use? - Answer :



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Hello there! I'm Zane clements. I Own Zanet Design. I have designed web sites and worked with small businesses, entrepreneurs and marketing agency's for over 20 years. I have now decided to share my web design experience with you. So if you need a web or graphic designer, or you just have a question, please comment below and say hi on    / @zanetdesign  .



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   • Google My Business Quality Issues  - ...  

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