CELPIP Listening Parts 5 and 6 EXPLAINED - The Ultimate Note-Taking Strategy!

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TRANSCRIPT: in CELPIP the listening module is typically the easiest one but a lot of people struggle with that and when people struggle they say that we struggle with reading and listening so I hear this very commonly and I don't hear a mixture of you know I struggle with writing and listening or speaking and listening when you see you struggle with reading and listening it means you have a problem or a weakness if I want to be polite in getting the information when you listen to something or you read something you may be lack attention you may be drift off or you're just not able to get what other people are trying to say and there's a number of reasons for this so we're going to look at uh how we're going to tackle those now with that said I've made many listing videos you can check them out on our channel in fact there's a link off to one of them in the description there's also a playlist for everything reading listening writing speaking which is all in the description so always check out my descriptions they are very useful with good material but uh in this video I'm going to discuss listing Parts five and six cuz they are the hardest parts that's where people get really stuck at so when we talk about listing part five we're talking about the video where you have two three or sometimes four people arguing debating or they're just talking about some topic now this is on your screen a sample of how you're supposed to take notes and we're going to break it down into multiple parts so first of all you want to make columns okay commonly you have three people talk so as you can see on the screen we have columns 1 2 and three under each column you simply write what the person is saying okay and you are doing this while the audio is being played you don't see the questions when they're CELPIP and you will see them after so your job is to make amazing notes now if you organize them in three columns you


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