J. S. Bach - Cantata BWV 62 "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" (J. S. Bach Foundation)

Описание к видео J. S. Bach - Cantata BWV 62 "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" (J. S. Bach Foundation)

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Choir and Orchestra of the J. S. Bach Foundation
Rudolf Lutz - Conductor
Lia Andres - Sopran
Antonia Frey - Alto
Benedikt Kristjánsson - Tenor
Peter Harvey - Bass

Johann Sebastian Bach - Cantata BWV 62 "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" (Savior of the nations, come)

00:00 BWV 62, Concert from 05/26/2023
00:35 Chorus - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland,
05:20 Aria (tenor) - Bewundert, o Menschen, dies große Geheimnis
12:38 Recitativo (Basso) - So geht aus Gottes Herrlichkeit und Thron
13:28 Aria (Bass) - Streite, siege, starker Held!
19:25 Recitativo (Soprano& Ato) - Wir ehren diese Herrlichkeit
20:20 Chorus - Lob sei Gott, dem Vater, ton

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The complete work, introductory workshop and reflection lecture (in German) are available at:

For further information on the Bach Foundation, go to: https://www.bachipedia.org


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