All-Together (All-Stars Friendship Mix)

Описание к видео All-Together (All-Stars Friendship Mix)

Me and Luigi takes down boyfriend and he’s beloved GF into our final battle! Can he survive both of us? LETS-A-FIND OUT!

Act 1 Retake: Nerdin / Hayu

Credits of OG Song:
Act 1: KennyL
Act 2: Sandi & KennyL
Act 3: Scrumbo & FriedFrick
Act 4: FriedFrick, TheWahBox, & RedTV53

Credits of Remix:

Act 1: MarioMan & LuigiLad OC’s By: Me

Act 2: M@R by Azazel, GF OC by Kitty
Souls: LuigiFan as LG, VG SuperCell as W4R, & Tia Marie as Y0SH

Act 3: Ultra M Singing by Scrumbo

Act 4: (Mimics)

Omega: Azazel & Kitty
IHY Luigi: Malevolence & TaidumKing
Costume: HighTech & KeKeGames
Mr. Virtual: Peppermint & Ultimate
Coronation Day Peach: Phantom
Classified Luigi: TBGamer
GB: Crossality & CuddlyBF
MX: Gilbert
Horror Peach & Yoshi EXE: Rage & Derilix
Mr. L: Paisano
DJ Hallyboo: LordBossMaster
SH Mario: Boyfriend.XML
Devil Mario: Briiz
Beta Luigi: Tirmbi & Kale
Mr. SYS: Randall & 0Smug0
Promo Mario/Stanley: Boio55
Wario Apparition: Vaxthevoid
& Turmoil: Verti

Chromatics: All made by yours truly…….
OG Art: TaidumKing
Idle Animations: Also by yours truly……..
Remix Itself: Also by your truly………
Voicelines: Also by yours truly………

Thank you ALL for being such great friends!

#fnf #fnfmods #garageband #mariosmadness #motivation #remix #finalboss #coversong #friendship #voiceacting


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