Case taking and analysis in Homeopathy || Dr Rajan Sankaran

Описание к видео Case taking and analysis in Homeopathy || Dr Rajan Sankaran

In this video Dr Rajan Sankaran explains case taking in a methodical manner.
Step 1- overview , exactness and completeness - Here he explains how to understand and complete the symptoms. He emphasizes the importance of observation and peripheral vision while taking the case.
Step 2- Analysis – He explains how to put all the symptoms in the appropriate place. Eg- location sensation, local symptoms, general symptoms, delusion, miasm, genius etc.. the one which is the clearest becomes the anchor of that case with which we understand the pattern of the patient, which helps us to go ahead in the case. The most important is to go to the depth of each case symptom which helps us to understand the level of experience and connected everything with each other as ultimately at the deeper level everything is just one. This then makes it easy for us to find the exact similimum.
He also explains what is synthesis and synergy
Step 3- confirmation. To ask the key note symptom of the remedy and confirm the remedy.


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