BARANG YANG PERLU DIBAWA KE ASRAMA 🛌 | Politeknik/Universiti/IPG/Kolej/Matriks

Описание к видео BARANG YANG PERLU DIBAWA KE ASRAMA 🛌 | Politeknik/Universiti/IPG/Kolej/Matriks

So semua barang yang perlu dibawa ke Asrama semua sdah aku listkan. Hehe Jangan lupa senaraikan barang-barang yang perlu kamu bawa ke asrama juga okay! Sorry that I’ve been looking up almost most of the time🤣 I don’t really know why I’m doing that. Maybe sebab first time buat video begini hehe. Semua barang-barang yang aku senaraikan tu based on my experience as a Politeknik Kota Kinabalu students. But, aku rasa kebanyakan penghuni asrama will listed most of the same thing untuk benda yang penting. Sebab kalau masuk asrama ni, kalau boleh sikit barang kita mau bawa supaya inda susah mau kemas bila keluar asrama. Anyway, I hope this video will helps you guys and give the big picture about living in hostels life. Don’t forget to share this video with your friends too. They might need it. All the best! 😘💖✨

I do not own the music in this video. All credits to its rightful owner.

Song : Butterfly
Music by Fiji Blue

#barangyangperludibawakeasrama #politeknikkotakinabalu #sabah #politeknik #universiti #malaysia


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