LSA Supercharger DIY Porting (Part 2 - Rotor Removal/Blower Body Porting)

Описание к видео LSA Supercharger DIY Porting (Part 2 - Rotor Removal/Blower Body Porting)

This is the last part of my DIY LSA Supercharger porting post. It begins with showing how to remove the rotor pack so you can actually port the bower itself without worrying about metal shavings being all in the rotor and eventually your engine. Once again I apologize for the camera work. This was shot with an iPhone. Hopefully I didn't make too many mistakes as I said I'm no professional just looking for a way to make some inexpensive extra HP. Like, Comment, Enjoy. Also, I apologize for putting the same part in the video twice, this was a bunch of clips I took and combined into one. If you feel the need to leave a thumbs down. Let me know why so I can improve. Respectfully please. YOU KNOW THE VIBE, HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE.


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