造岩礦物 長石 - 歪長石特徵 Anorthoclase Glen Almond, Quebec

Описание к видео 造岩礦物 長石 - 歪長石特徵 Anorthoclase Glen Almond, Quebec

歪長石, Anorthoclase, (K, Na)AlSi3O8

The mineral anorthoclase ((Na,K)AlSi3O8) is a crystalline solid solution in the alkali feldspar series, in which the sodium-aluminium silicate member exists in larger proportion. It typically consists of between 10 and 36 percent of KAlSi3O8 and between 64 and 90 percent of NaAlSi3O8.[4] Wikipedia

標本由桃園親子教育博物館館長 礦石收藏家 林積舟老師提供拍攝


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