When & How to Use Cinnamon on Your Orchids - Sanitize, Cut, & Cinnamon

Описание к видео When & How to Use Cinnamon on Your Orchids - Sanitize, Cut, & Cinnamon

One step during repotting an orchid typically involves cutting. Whether old bloom spikes or damaged tissue, always sanitize, cut cleanly, and use cinnamon to dry and protect the cut tissue from infection.

My Phalaenopsis Friend's Princess is used as an example in this #onethingtoknow video. Here are other videos with this orchid, including how it got damaged leaves in the first place.

Friend's Princess Shipment Damaged Leaves:
   • Orchid Damage & Stress from Shipment ...  

Friend's Princess Potted in Tight Sphagnum Moss:
   • Phalaenopsis Orchid Potted in Tight S...  

#orchids #orchidrepot #cinnamonfororchids


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