protractor browserstack|Running protractor tests browserstack|tests with BrowserStack iOS emulators

Описание к видео protractor browserstack|Running protractor tests browserstack|tests with BrowserStack iOS emulators

protractor browserstack ,   / @learnnewtechnology4579   ,
Protractor is built on top of WebDriverJS, which uses native events and browser-specific drivers to interact with your application as user would.
For Angular Apps
Protractor supports Angular-specific locator strategies, which allows you to test Angular-specific element without any setup effort on your part.
Automatic Waiting
You no longer need to add waits and sleep to your test. Protractor can automatically execute the next step your test the moment the webpage finishes pending tasks, so you don’t have to worry about waiting for your test and webpage to sync.
BrowserStack is a cross-browser testing tool which can be used to test your applications across different browsers. It can also be integrated with Protractor by adding the browserStack credentials in your config file.
There are multiple tools available in market to help make your test cases even better. Git/Jenkins/BrowserStack/Grunt are some such tools which add significant value to your Protractor test scripts. And the best part is that you don’t have to touch spec file to integrate your Protractor with any of these tools. It is your configuration file, which will take all of these things for you.

Git is a very powerful version control tool. It is always best practice to keep your code in Git if there are multiple developers involved.

Jenkins is a continuous integration tool with which, you can schedule your test cases and run it as per your need. Protractor script can also be configured with Jenkins. Best use of running your test cases on Jenkins is that it is very fast and also you can run multiple test cases at a time.
Grunt is a JavaScript task runner. It provide you with the ability to perform several tasks for you. Its awesomeness is that there are more than 4000 tasks and you can create even more tasks as per your requirement. Following are few of the important daily use tasks we can use Grunt for:

List down all of coding best practices and inform immediately whenever you violate any of these.
To create multiple spec files at run time. For example, if there is any test case that you wish to run several times (ranging from 1 to any number). This might seem unnecessary at this point of time but think of running any shopping website checkout flow to be run on every single available country. It would be tedious to create multiple specs manually. So, let Grunt do this for you.
The watch feature. You write a test case and every time as soon as save your code after making any change in it, you want your test case to run, Grunt has got it.
Concatenating multiple file.

Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications. Integrating Cross Browser Testing with Protractor allow developers to run tests against their application in our real browsers, interacting with it as a user would.
Cross Browser Testing & Test Automation with Protractor and Browserstack
Browserstack. We will have the possibility to execute entire application flows in multiplatform environment and guarante the cross-browser functionality of our application. BrowserStack uses Appium to drive your Selenium tests on iOS.BrowserStack is a cloud-based web and mobile testing platform that enables developer to test websites and applications on browser running on real operating systems and mobile devices without requiring users to install or manage a variety of virtual machines, devices and emulator.
BrowserStack is a cloud-based web and mobile testing platform that enables developers to test websites and applications on browsers running on real operating systems and mobile devices without requiring users to install or manage a variety of virtual machines, devices and emulators

npm install browserstack-local


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