Sourcing Through 888 Lots to Find a Profitable Liquidation Pallet

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Sourcing Through 888 Lots to Find a Profitable Liquidation Pallet

Today I'm going to run you through an example liquidation pallet sourcing tutorial.

I'll show you a pallet that I'm going to buy that is profitable already after just 1 of the items.

That one item has a quantity of 15 & if I sell all 15 of them back on Amazon, I'll make about $300.

That means I'm already profitable off just that 1 SKU because the pallet cost $288 in total & came with a total of 109 units.

That means that I STILL have 92 items left to sell (high quality jackets, coats, & shirts) & I'm already profitable!

This isn't a rare thing at all when you source for online arbitrage with liquidation pallets from liquidation companys/websites like 888 lots.

Quite the opposite can find a lot of profitable ones.

Unlike coupon arbitrage or cashback arbitrage...or any of the other forms of Arbitrage I show you on this channel though, you do need to do more initial product research on your pallet products AHEAD of time to make sure you're profitable.

This is because you're spending more $$ upfront (not just like $1 for a coupon product).

But with a site like 888lots that super easy because they give you the Amazon listing, the exact ASIN, & all the info you could possibly need to figure out if the product will sell well, for how much, & whether or not that means the entire pallet will be profitable.

So do you product research ahead of time & you can make great money flipping liquidation pallets just like this video will show you.

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