Solar Thermal Parabolic Trough Mini Powerplant Test

Описание к видео Solar Thermal Parabolic Trough Mini Powerplant Test

The XCPC parabolic evacuated tube non tracking solar thermal collector brought to you by This test involves 3 XCPC collectors in parallel on a trailer, connected to a tube in shell heat exchanger, pushing a small steam engine, turning a tiny dc motor, powering some led lights. The mobile transference apparatus is just a boat trailer but has potential to allow for mobile solar thermal heat processing systems. The small pvs turn a fan for condensing the steam.

0:00 - Intro, Basic setup of solar system, power plant and Ben
0:45 - Current temp of solar loop Supply 305F / Return 224F
0:55 - Steam engine turning and led lights on
1:07 - Flow indicator on the solar loop
1:11 - Dc motor and steam engine
1:15 - Steam is condensed after engine and returned to steam engine loop via pump attached to steam engine (open to see steam, some is lost)
1:20 - Basic mini power plant setup. heat exchanger, expansion, cylinder with electric element for simulation (unplugged and not used before test), ect
1:27 - Expansion temp pressure 270F / 160psi
1:34 - Solar loop water temperature and pressure
1:43 - Steam temp and pressure going to steam engine 290F / 70psi

The scaled down power plant was designed and provided by Mike Newman at Providing top notch residential and commercial pv installation in north east florida.

Thanks again!


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