Home Automation: DYI Wireless Garage Door Opener with state sensor (IoT)

Описание к видео Home Automation: DYI Wireless Garage Door Opener with state sensor (IoT)

#SocialDistancing with the Internet of Things! Building a DIY wireless garage door opener with a sensor to indicate if the door is currently open or closed!

Using a Feather HUZZAH to control a relay that acts the same as the regular button in the garage. Added an additional reed switch with magnets attached to the door chain so that the device knows if the door is open (no magnet so reed is open) or (closed magnet preset so reed is closed).

Voltage running though the relay is about 20V DC.
Used a Feather HUZZA as it has a 5V out pin that can power the relay without an additional power source.
Web server on the board uses a POST request to prevent accidental interaction by browser cache/previews that load a GET request behind the scenes.
See future videos for adding Siri Shortcuts and HomeKit integration.

Feather HUZZAH (esp8266)
Reed Switch
Project Box
Plastic Bolts
(and a garage door opener)

Soldering Iron
Soldering Mat
Soldering Stand
Electrical Tape
Drill & Bit
Wifi Router
Web Browser for testing

Source code available here: http://github.com/makethisfun/garage-...


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