Mordhau Partisan Gameplay - New Patch, Shield Surfing, Castello Frontlines (Patch 21 update)

Описание к видео Mordhau Partisan Gameplay - New Patch, Shield Surfing, Castello Frontlines (Patch 21 update)

Mordhau Partisan gameplay - In Today's Mordhau gameplay video, I take Mordhau's new weapon, the Partisan, out for a spin at Frontlines Castello. The new patch 21 content update dropped earlier today and not only did it add the Partisan, but it added Castello into the Frontline map rotation, modified the shield surfing bug to be legitimate, added new sound effects, new armor, and much more.

I'll be covering Mordhau patch 21 in the future. But for now, I hope you enjoy today's first look at the Partisan in Mordhau.

The Partisan is basically a stronger, slower Short Spear. It's the same length, does a bit more damage than the Short Spear and is slower to use in 3/4 speed categories. A major difference between the two is that the Partisan can combo and the Short Spear cannot.

It's great to get a breath of fresh content blown into Mordhau after going so long with very little. But this is just a taste of what's to come and I'm so excited for the future of this game!

#Mordhau #Partisan #Medieval


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