Serving at the frontline of telehealth — Dr Frances Donaldson | AOTY | ABC Australia

Описание к видео Serving at the frontline of telehealth — Dr Frances Donaldson | AOTY | ABC Australia

Dr Frances Donaldson served at the frontline of Tasmania’s COVID-19 response and was a lead doctor working in the COVID@homeplus service. She’s spent four decades working to improve health care standards in Tasmania.

Dr Frances Donaldson receives the 2023 TAS Senior Australian of the Year award.

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Each year our nation celebrates the achievements and contributions of eminent Australians through the Australian of the Year Awards by profiling leading citizens who are role models for us all.

They inspire us through their achievements and challenge us to make our own contribution to creating a better Australia.

The Awards honour an exceptional group of highly respected Australians who ignite discussion and change on issues of national importance.

The Australian of the Year Awards provides everyone with the opportunity to recognise any Australian who makes them proud.

The four Australian of the Year categories are:

• Australian of the Year
• Senior Australian of the Year (those aged 65 years or over)
• Young Australian of the Year (ages 16 to 30)
• Australia's Local Hero


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