Kikhen theilou ihi@Zou version || Joicy Lamnunnem Touthang

Описание к видео Kikhen theilou ihi@Zou version || Joicy Lamnunnem Touthang

KI KHEN THEILOU IHI Chi laa Zou version

No translation can and will truly capture the deep meanings and do justice to the beautifully chosen words, as the song is in poetic Old Kuki.
Even I, a Kuki, struggles to translate some of the words and metaphors:
Thim-thu translated as 'covert converse' doesn't truly capture the real meaning, it's an affectionate and confidential conversation between two trusting people, similar to that of lovers. The whole sentence questions why the two siblings cannot achieve an accord like two streams finally converging into one.

"Lai-jon" and "sopi" are synonymous, the former being Old Kuki , and latter being New Kuki, and mean the pronoun "sibling". Referred to as "brother", here.

Overall, the song is a clarion call for unity and brotherhood, and to forego all misunderstandings and sibling-rivalry between the many linguistically and culturally similar tribes: a song of consanguinity.

Here goes my assisted-translation, line for line and literatim:
(Feel free to suggest edits)

"Parted We Cannot Be"

O wind of love, blow forth with haste.
Shall thou sever me from mine dearest kin?
Many a year hath flown since I beckoned thee, my brother.
With arms wide open, I shall greet thy presence.
Why dost thou not reciprocate yet ?

We cannot bear to be sundered, O brother mine.
Why can't our covert converse merge like brooks?
I cannot endure life devoid of thee,
Nor canst thou find solace in my absence.
Beloved brother, embrace me with thine loving arms,
Let us, like brooks converge, be united.

The ground whereon we rest is unwelcoming,
Where we flourish, yet possess no steadfast ground.
As chattel treated, freedom still eludes us.
Why persist we in strife against each other?

Like age-old tale of lovers newly wed,
For trifling reasons, why dost we contemplate our decimation?
Dost thou not worry for our days yet to come, brother mine?
Thou reflect thyself again and again.

Siam mama mei u..Eimi,Zou,Paite,Simte,Vaiphei,Thadou,gangte etc Non Naga teng Ki Khen Theilou ihi u aw ka Laizom teng achi na ahi chi chiang mama..

Eimi unau tawndan ki nai, Ham leh pau ki thei tua teng adia hoi mama ahi.Tutung UPF/KNO te panlah na toh jong ki tush mama


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