Clear Skies 2 - Gate Battle (Mike Oldfield: Far Above the Clouds)

Описание к видео Clear Skies 2 - Gate Battle (Mike Oldfield: Far Above the Clouds)

For someone whom had no idea how to put together an "anime" a few years back, Ian Chisholm and crew have done a wondrous job using a combination of Half Life and Eve Online starting with Clear Skies and continuing with Clear Skies 2 with rumors of a 3rd in the works.

I put here, a sample of what I believe to be true raw genius for the art. When Clear Skies 2 came out, this battle scene express a broad range of emotions in both visually and musically means melded together. No one could help but be moved by it's beauty. It became a major topic on the Eve Online Forums. And I like many many others went in search of the song that was used and were soon introduced to Mike Oldfield -- Far Above the Clouds.

So for those that have seen all the references in the comments for Mike Oldfield -- Far Above the Clouds YouTube vids, I hope this clears things up and hope that you find enjoyment in the two Clear Skies Movies ( as did the rest of us and join the masses as we wait for Clear Skies 3.


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