What is a Spinal decompression therapy? - Dr. Kodlady Surendra Shetty

Описание к видео What is a Spinal decompression therapy? - Dr. Kodlady Surendra Shetty

Spinal decompression therapy means it is a conservative therapy without surgery. Nowadays there is good acupuncture available where you put a belt around the pelvis and put it into the decompression machine. It is like a traction but a higher level of traction. It pulls in stages and sometimes with regular traction what happens is when you put a belt and it t keeps on pulling then the muscles get tightened and the proper traction or proper distraction does not cure at the disc level. So with the Spinal decompression therapy, it does not pull at the disc level, it pulls at stages. It pulls and stays for sometime and then it pulls and that is the principle of Spinal decompression therapy. So when it pulls gradually what happens is the disc space gets slightly widened so the disc which has come out there is always a chance that it can come outside. So that is how the pressure on the root is freed by decompression so it is an ideal method for those who does not want surgery and whose pain is not of a very long duration. If there is a chronic back pain of very long duration, those people need a surgery and they have to undergo a surgery and decompression will not play much of a role in them. Other people who have on and off pain and of shorter duration, decompression gives much of a relief.


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