TERMINATOR 7: END OF WAR Official Trailer Teaser Movies 2022

Описание к видео TERMINATOR 7: END OF WAR Official Trailer Teaser Movies 2022

TERMINATOR 7: END OF WAR Official Trailer Teaser Movies 2022

James Cameron shared that the subsequent episodes of the film will focus on the development of the relationship between artificial intelligence and humanity. Irreconcilable camps will probably be able to come to a compromise solution for a peaceful existence.

Interesting facts:

According to the assumptions of the creators of the 6th part of the franchise, the film was supposed to collect about $ 400 million at the box office. However, the box office only slightly exceeded 260 million. The cost of filming the film amounted to $ 300 million. "Terminator 6" was among the main failures of 2019.

Despite the failure at the box office, the sixth part became a nominee for the Outstanding Special Effects Award. But she never managed to win the prize.

Initially, an 18-year-old actress of Mexican origin was planned to take on the role of Dani. As a result, the role went to 31-year-old Natalia Reyes from Brazil.

Around the failure of "Terminator. Dark destinies" there were a lot of discussions. Critics were divided into 2 camps. Some believe that the reason for the failure was Cameron's inattention to the filming process, since during this period he was immersed in work on Avatar. Others believe that no one initially thought about the quality of the film, and this is just another attempt to work out the budget and squeeze the last out of the legendary franchise.

Linda Hamilton often smiled during the shooting scenes, so the directors had to constantly correct her and ask her not to smile in the frame.

In 2021, Netflix began developing an anime series based on The Terminator.

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