May movement tell them what words cannot say

Описание к видео May movement tell them what words cannot say


This film is about creativity and research in parkour.
I decided to make it because I was really fed up with all these videos from different people going all always to the sames spots to do the same things everyone had already done before, and being satisfied with that.
In reaction to that, I actually decided to make 2 films: "Spots are verywhere", and this film.

In "Spots are everywhere", I was trying to show that there are no "parkour spots"; that you can use anything anywhere to train and to play, as long as you're able to look at your surroundings with a vigilant eye, and use your imagination to figure out what you could do with things you come across.

In this new video I chose, at the contrary, to take one of the most famous spots in the world, which is a very little part of the Paris 13th district Olympiades spot, limited myself to this place, and re-visit it trying to find things I had never seen no one do there before. I just came to this spot during 3 weeks approximately, one hour here, two hours there, when I had time basically, and tried to look at things around me, and see where the way they were built could lead me to, what it could inspire to me, how my techniques and my knowledge about movement in general could fit this particular place, rather than just come with prepared things in mind that people repeat wherever they are, with this only goal in mind: make them bigger and bigger.
Usually, when people comes to this spot, they look for the "Foucan armjump" (named this way, because Sébastien Foucan was the first people saw doing this armjump), for the "white walls catpass to armjump (or to precision, depending on people's skills)", the catpass to precision next to the Foucan armjump, and...and that's it! Then, they go home, and make a hot video, with these jumps everybody did before them, in order to show to people that they did them too.
It's like no one ever just stopped there to look at things around him and figure out what he could do with it. Using the spot this way makes it look like any other place, where people would do the same jumps over and over. But in fact, this place is not like any other place, it is different and unique, as every other place is also. Every place is unique, every wall, every architecture and configuration, which extends considerably our possibilities, giving us the opportunity to work on constantly different things, jumps, runs, and challenges.
When I came to this place, I just looked around me, and took the time to understand how things were built and arranged there. Only then, I started to work on some jumps and some runs I imagined I could do there. I trained them until I was happy with it, I mean until I felt I was doing them the fastest and the cleanest I could; then, I filmed them.

I chose 2 different ways to express creativity in it:
1-strange and technical isolated jumps
2-longer runs with some more "normal" jumps in it, as well as some more creative parts.

Of course, I don't pretend to be the first to do the things I do (and I don't really care about this in fact). I just tried to find things I never SAW before -which doesn't mean no one ever did them-. I just felt it would be interesting to share these things with people through a video.

Just like words, movement is a way to express oneself.
Why should we limit ourselves to the socalled "spots", to the approved techniques and usual jumps? Why should we just transpose the same jumps from one place to another, when we have the immensity of architectures diversity to invent movement in?
Why should we just imitate people when everyone is so full of resources and could have such great ideas if they just took the time to think?
Why should we stay prisoners of such a simplistic and reductive way of moving? Isn't parkour about escaping?

Thanks to Phil and Lukas for inspiring me a lot while we trained together some monthes ago.
Thanks to Anthony Arbona for his precious help and support.
Thanks to everyone who keeps being creative and bringing new ideas and stuff.


Naïm L'1consolable

"May movement tell them what words cannot say"
A film by L'1consolable

Traceur: L'1consolable
Filming and editing: L'1consolable
Music: L'1consolable DOWNLOAD IT HERE:
Recorded in October 2012 in Paris (France).


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