GLOBE Project Cultural Dimensions

Описание к видео GLOBE Project Cultural Dimensions

What is the GLOBE Project?
How does it compare to Hofstede's Cultural Taxonomies?
Discussion of Nine Dimensions
For Video on Hofstede Cultural Taxonomies, go to    • Hofstede's Cultural Taxonomies  

Note: My pronunciation of Geert Hofstede's name is not consistent with the Dutch pronunciation. Thank you very much to davidvictor3669 for clarifying:
"The "G" is hard for non-Dutch speakers, but it is akin to the Hebrew guttural Chaf (כ) and Chet (ח) often romanized as "ch" as in "l'chaim" or the Russian Kha (X) often romanized as "kh" as in "Kazakh." The Dutch "ee" is pronounced like the English "ay" (for example, Beethoven, whose father was Flemish). Finally, the final "e" of Hofstede is pronounced. This means that the middle "e" is pronounced as an "eh" (as if there were no "silent e"). So the second part of his name is something like "stead-uh".

00:00 Intro
00:43 Intro of Globe Project
01:20 Focus of Video
01:53 Caveats
02:31 Comparison of Hofstede & Globe
04:33 Intro of Dimensions
04:50 Uncertainty Avoidance
05:31 Power Distance
06:40 Future Orientation
14:40 Intro of Institutional and In-Group Collectivism
08:01 Institutional Collectivism
09:07 In-Group Collectivism
09:58 Intro of Assertiveness & Gender Egalitarianism
10:12 Assertiveness
11:00 Gender Egalitarianism
12:34 Humane Orientation
13:18 Performance Orientation
14:13 Conclusion


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