Yarra Strategic Plan - Yarra 50-year Vision

Описание к видео Yarra Strategic Plan - Yarra 50-year Vision

In February 2017 Melbourne Water was tasked with the development of the Yarra Strategic Plan to enable the Yarra River to be managed and cared for as one living and integrated entity. A key feature of the plan was to include long-term community vision for the river. The vision must be developed with the community to ensure they reflect the community’s priorities for the river.
Beginning in September 2017, Melbourne Water undertook an extensive two phase engagement approach to work with the community to write 50-year visions for each of the Yarra’s four reaches (upper rural, lower rural, suburban and inner-city) and an overarching vision for the whole river.

This consultation culminated in a Community Assembly in early 2018, when 24 passionate Victorians drawn from all parts of the Yarra’s 242km length, came together with representatives from the Wurundjeri Tribal Council to consider input from the community. They then wrote the five visions below to provide the building blocks for how the river and its land are used and managed in future, to ensure the Yarra remains a proud part of Victoria’s identity.


N1: Narrator – (Andrew Raphael)

N1: Our Yarra River, Birrarung, is recognised around the world as an iconic example of a nurturing relationship between a river and its community.

Flowing from source to sea, it is the resilient lifeblood of past, present and future generations of Victorians. It connects and enriches our flourishing city, suburbs, regions and beyond.

Our Yarra River, Birrarung, its essential role in our lives and its rich history, are respected, understood and protected. It has cared for us for thousands of years and will for thousands to come.

The vital and continued role of Traditional Owners as custodians of the River, and its role in their culture, is recognised and celebrated.

Our Yarra River, Birrarung and its diverse surrounding landscapes provide a place of refuge, recreation, learning and livelihood. It brings communities together and supports sustainable local economies.

Its clean waters and connected network of thriving green spaces nurture biodiversity, and deepen the relationship between people and nature.

Our Yarra River, Birrarung is respected as a sacred natural living entity and everyone takes responsibility for its care. Its health and integrity are paramount and uncompromised.

What is good for the Yarra is good for all.


S1: And so they watched as the years passed us by - by This Patch of Sky

[Melbourne Water Logo and Victorian Government Logo]


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