【解説付き】アフターバーナーII 誘爆全開プレイ

Описание к видео 【解説付き】アフターバーナーII 誘爆全開プレイ

アフターバーナーII / After Burner II Sega 1987 誘爆全開プレイ Player afb 収録Ver MAME32Plus!0.107 誘爆のみを狙い、アフターバーナー全開で飛ばすプレイです。なお、誘爆モレがあるかもしれません(汗)

mame replay site http://replayburners.web.fc2.com/


開発元:セガ(AM2) 発売元:セガ
システムボード:セガ Xボード
CPU構成[68000 (2), Z80] 音源チップ[YM2151, Sega_PCM]

セガ体感ゲームとして登場した迫力の3Dシューティング作品。大型筐体に乗り込み本格的な操縦桿で戦闘機を操って、迫りくる敵機を次々とロックオンして撃墜していくという内容。スロットルでスピード調整も可能。バルカン砲は無制限だが、ミサイルには弾数制限がある。出足こそつまずいたものの、ハードとソフトが上手に融合した、まさしく名作と呼ぶにふさわしい作品。 ハードロック調のBGMもゲーム内容にマッチしている。上級者では撃墜数が1500を超えるというから驚き。センサーを使用する1億5千万ボーナスもある。全23ステージ。

[出典:アフターバーナー 業務用販促カタログ 攻略マニュアル(セガ)]

After Burner II (c) 1987 Sega.

After Burner is another Sega game rendered with their then-ubiquitous 3-D sprite-scaling technology; this time putting the player into the seat of a powerful F14 Tomcat jet fighter.

Players must fight their way through 21 colourful, fast-moving stages, shooting down waves of enemy fighters while avoiding the enemy's incoming missiles. The F14 is equipped with a machine gun and a limited number of homing missiles. The gun has infinite ammunition and targeting is achieved by maneuvering the Tomcat so that the targeting cursor situated just in front of the jet is placed over an enemy fighter.

To deploy missiles, the player must first 'lock-on' to the target, a sound will indicate that the lock has taken place and missiles should then be fired, these will home in on and destroy the locked-on enemy fighter.

Missile stocks are replenished at the end of every 2nd stage, either by the appearance of a large support plane that automatically links up with the player's jet fighter, or by landing on a military airstrip - which again happens automatically.

After Burner's straightforward shoot-em-up gameplay is simple and repetitive, but the game's incredible visuals ensured its success.


Deluxe cabinet dimensions : 80'' (203cm) Deep x 53'' (135cm) Wide x 69'' (175cm) High. Weight : 800 lbs (362 kg)
Upright cabinet dimensions : 24,8'' (63cm) Deep x 33,9'' (86cm) Wide x 72,8'' (185cm) High. Weight : 273 lbs (124 kg)

Sega X Board hardware
Game ID : 834-6335-02

Main CPU : (2x) 68000 (@ 12.5 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 4 Mhz), Sega (@ 4 Mhz)

Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 320 x 224 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 24576

Players : 1
Control : stick
Buttons : 2


After Burner II was released in October 1987.

1. After Burner (1987, Arcade)
2. After Burner II (1987, Arcade)
3. G-Loc - Air Battle (1990, Arcade)
4. R360 - G-Loc Air Battle (1990, Arcade)
5. Strike Fighter (1991, Arcade)
6. Sky Target (1995, Arcade)
7. Sega Strike Fighter (2000, Arcade)
8. After Burner Climax (2006, Arcade)
9. After Burner - Black Falcon (2007, PSP)


Designed by : Yu Suzuki (YU.), Satoshi Mifune
Music by : Hiroshi Miyauchi (HIR)
Staff : (KIM), (BIN), (SAD), (KEY), (Y.N)


Game's rom.


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