Voices: Perspectives of Peer Specialists Working in Crisis Intervention Services

Описание к видео Voices: Perspectives of Peer Specialists Working in Crisis Intervention Services

To help facilitate discussions in the training environment, PaPSC asked Temple to produce a brief video in which peer specialists currently involved in the delivery of crisis intervention services could talk about their jobs - specific responsibilities, the satisfactions and challenges associated with this crisis response work, their relationships with non-peer colleagues, and the ways in which they make use of their personal stories to help individuals better manage their emotional crises and then move forward with their lives. This video was a joint project of the Pennsylvania Peer Support Coalition (PaPSC), the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion and the Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services supported under the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) 2015 Transformation Technology Initiative with the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors.

This important video is now available here. For information on the three-day training program itself - and the related trainee and trainer manuals developed by PaPSC - please visit PaPSC's website at http://papeersupportcoalition.org/


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