Please Help Me, Thank You: Light Language Reiki Angels Galactics & Art Energy Healing

Описание к видео Please Help Me, Thank You: Light Language Reiki Angels Galactics & Art Energy Healing

Asking for help can be very hard for us, it can even feel physically painful. There are many reasons why asking and accepting help is difficult. With this transmission we are asking the help of our Angels, our Galactic Friends, our Guides of Highest Truth and Compassion to assist us in clearing our resistance to accept help, to ask for help on the material plane. This is also to ask to release all resistance to emotional support and all resistance to integrating/ fully embodying the support that are given to us on all planes of existence. Thank you.

Please help us with the feeling of uncertainty; the fear of rejection; the feeling that we are supposed to be self-sufficient enough to cope on our own regardless of how intense or chaotic or huge the external or internal circumstances are. Please bring compassion and soothe the feeling that by asking for help we are exposed and we are simultaneously being a burden to someone else. Please show us the strength of showing our vulnerability, please show us the authenticity of being able to ask for help when we are not coping on our own. Thank you.

Please clear and bring compassion to all burnout experiences, because we are or were too afraid, too reluctant to ask for help or for enough rejuvenation time for ourselves. Thank you.

Please clear and bring compassion to where we feel guilty or ashamed or uncomfortable when others help us, the belief that our needs are less important than others or where we tend to over-give, because deep down we believe that we have to earn love, we have to earn acceptance or that we are not worthy of support. And please clear and bring compassion to not allowing others to help us or even asking for help, because we don’t think they will or that they are able to assist, where asking for help also asks of us to relinquish control. Where we don’t ask for help, because of past experiences that reinforced the belief that we cannot trust that help will be given or that the help given will really help, that it is better to handle things on our own. Thank you.

Please clear and bring compassion to negative association to do with asking for or accepting help like: laziness, begging, taking handouts, expecting hand-outs. Thank you.

Please clear and bring compassion to where not asking or accepting help is a form self-sabotage or self-punishment; where we have consciously or subconsciously the belief that we deserve to suffer, that we are bad or that it is karma, our suffering is just. Thank you.

Please clear and bring compassion where not asking for help or accepting help can be linked back to childhood neglect, abuse or sexual abuse. Where we have learned that asking for help isn’t safe; makes things worse or has a very, heavy price tag, a tit for tat. Thank you.


Extended Healings:
Psychic Gifts Retrieval/ Become more Psychic
Twin Flame Attraction
Clear Blocks to Money/ Wealth/ Prosperity
Protection & Entity Removal
Heal, Balance & Align 12 Chakras & Minor Chakras
Sexuality Healing
Distrust Healing:

and more

Donations are always welcome and help me to continue to give to the collective for free, thank you!

For a private Reiki and/ Light Language Consultation or an Art Commission
#lightlanguage #reiki #angels
#twinflames #soulmates #energyhealing #soundhealing #angelhealing #angelmessages #asmr #twinflamemessages #twinflamehealing #soulmatereading #magick #witch #lightworker #energyhealer #energyhealing #soundhealing #asmrhealing #starseed #pagan #paganism #witchcraft #newage #loa #manifestation #attraction #fullmoon #newmoon #divinelove #romance #romanticlove #marriage #psychology #psychicreading #angelmessages #lovemessages #twinflamejourney #starlanguage #soullanguage #aliens #galactics #counseling #artheals #lightlanguagehealing #lightlanguageactivation #lightlanguageart #energyhealer #reikihealer #lightcodes #ascension #spiritualawakening #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #Pleiadians #Orion #Arctuarians #pegasi #unicorns #dragons #fae #fearies #elementals #Gaia #Andromedans #Lyrans #Seraphim #Cherubim #archangelmichael #archangelraphael

Medical Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor when needed. This is to soothe and clear the energy behind unwanted manifestations and to lift/ shift lower vibrations; to assist you on your awakening’s journey.


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